Global Vision Media Site

It is my pleasure to announce that the much anticipated “LG Online Outdoors” free national campaign for Councils is going to commence on Friday the 18th of September. 

I would like to invite you to join us for our first webinar of the series on Friday the 25th of September at 2PM EST.  

Many of you have been in touch with me over the past few months and have provided valuable insight and I would like to sincerely thank you for your interest and your input. 

This campaign was modeled around a case study we originally conducted with one of our council partners who came up with a very creative way to get their mobile and outdoor staff online and become familiar with internal ICT systems.

It has been a general consensus among councils nationwide that getting outdoor and mobile workers online has always been a little tricky due to a range of factors including, but not limited to IT literacy. 

In the case study we based this project on, the Council partner was able to accomplish some pretty astonishing results when it came to addressing this issue.

They empowered their Municipal Library workers with the task of assisting the mobile and outdoor workers with increasing IT literacy and becoming more comfortable using the ICT systems.

Throughout the course of this project, I will be conducting regular webinars followed by group discussions with all participating councils to help you all accomplish similar results in a structured, collaborative space.  

The aim for this project is to not only explain the strategy which was used, but it is also a great opportunity to bring a bunch of like-minded Councils together in a collaborative space where we can all engage an open dialogue with each other and share our own experiences on how this strategy could be translated to your own Councils and valuable feedback about the potential challenges and rewards if this strategy is adopted.

2020 has been a challenging year so far with the effects of a global pandemic disrupting our lives both on a professional level and also on a personal level. 

And in times like these, the feedback I have received from most HR leaders in Local Government, is that their mobile and outdoor workers have been left out of the loop a little bit. 

It is my hope that a project like this would present the opportunity to engage in a relevant dialog about how we can potentially keep these workers engaged so that when the time does come for them to operate in a BAU phase again, they are able to transition back with some new skills and momentum. 

Please click on the following link to read more about the project brief, milestones to be accomplished and an idea of the kind of resources that would need to be committed to ensure success. 

I look forward to seeing you all on the 25th! 

If you have not registered already, this is your last chance to join the rest of us. Register your interest here
