Global Vision Media Site

Embracing Skill-Based Staff Strategies: Unlocking the True Potential of Your Organisation

In the rapidly evolving landscape of business, the success of an organisation hinges on its ability to adapt, innovate, and stay ahead of the curve. Traditional role-based staff strategies have long been the norm, but increasingly leaders are embracing a shift towards skill-based staff strategies. This paradigm shift not only addresses the current challenges but […]

LMS Must haves!

I find that organisations often forget that investments in training software, like any other investment, are expected to generate a return.

BLUEPRINT | Local Government’s own success story

Origin stories can be a funny thing. Sometimes, origin stories pave the road for existential transformation embedded in innovation and inspiration. (For organisations, as well as individuals). When Global Vision opened its doors in 1994, our founding members – a bunch of talented ex-ABC production executives led by the former national editor of ABC’s 7:30 […]

Data integration – a deep dive.

Does your team generate huge spreadsheets of data on a regular basis? Do you have related information that is in different places or systems that you sometimes combine manually? Do you sometimes have people entering the same information into one system when some or all of the same information is also in another system? Perhaps […]

The case for “Supersizing” L&D Teams

If 2020 taught us anything (and, well, it has had a few lessons)… is to invest in future-ready, tech-savvy Learning and development teams. The pandemic forced many of us to dust off old-school methodologies and catapult swiftly into fresh new learning paradigms including, but not limited to transitioning to digital training. Never has there been […]

Release of Brand new Code of Conduct Course for LG Victoria

We are pleased to announce to all our contacts in Victorian Local Government, that our brand new Code of Conduct Module built specifically for VIC Councils was released last month.  Over the past 6 months, Global Vision has engaged a very extensive process involving a full panel of Legal and Subject Matter experts from the […]

“Shovelware”? Or Reflowable Content?

When it comes to choosing the right Authoring tool, there are many choices available to Learning Designers today. There are a fair few authoring tools in the market we all know about.And I am sure there are many more we probably never even heard of! Most learning designers I know are not what I would […]

The “Meh” Effect | Why some of us are feeling unmotivated this year

I As 2021 rolled in (rather unceremoniously) and we were all putting in the finishing touches to our holidays and preparing to head back to work, I started noticing a pattern all around me. It was subtle at first. And then, in a flash, a whole four months had gone by. And upon closer inspection, […]

Emergency Services Exercise Simulations with xAPI

Global Vision and the xAPI team down under, formed a cohort this year where we teamed up with Developers, Instructional designers, independent consultants and representative from the Country Fire Authority to develop a proof of Concept for a Tactical Deployment Smart Module that we donated to the Country Fire Authority to provide an xAPI-driven Course […]

What the Future Holds for Our Workforce

We often talk about the “Future of Work”. If anything, 2020 has really drummed a few truths home when it comes to “being prepared for anything”. The quick pivot to entirely work-from-home-models at least in part during 2020 taught us all valuable lessons as we navigated our way through this year. Analyst firm Brandon Hall […]
