Global Vision Media Site

Data integration – a deep dive.

Does your team generate huge spreadsheets of data on a regular basis? Do you have related information that is in different places or systems that you sometimes combine manually? Do you sometimes have people entering the same information into one system when some or all of the same information is also in another system? Perhaps […]

The case for “Supersizing” L&D Teams

If 2020 taught us anything (and, well, it has had a few lessons)… is to invest in future-ready, tech-savvy Learning and development teams. The pandemic forced many of us to dust off old-school methodologies and catapult swiftly into fresh new learning paradigms including, but not limited to transitioning to digital training. Never has there been […]

Finding the perfect Learning Platform

Examining how we Buy Learning technology Currently, about a third of organizations across Australia have indicated in one form or another that they are dissatisfied with their learning platform. This is a staggering statistic and begs the question: Should we re-evaluate our strategies when it comes to the procurement of new Learning Platforms? Deloitte conducted […]

Training videos on a shoestring

Yesterday I had coffee with a fellow instructional designer. She spoke about how videos are perfect for some of the things she’s tasked with teaching before adding “… of course I don’t have the budget to do that”. It was the second time I’d heard exactly that line in the last week alone. My company […]

Online Training: how the scam operates

A look at some of the training sector’s darkest secrets… Today I spoke to the victim of a very cunning scam. There’s no other way I can describe his experience. After signing up with a supplier and paying, the product delivered to the customer’s business didn’t work. So bad was it that by the time […]
